
Canarick & Canarick
A New Year is a Good Time to Review Your Existing Estate Planning Documents
Happy New Year to you and your family! As the new year begins, it is a good time to review ...
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Canarick & Canarick
In Trusts (and Letters of Direction) We Trust
A common misconception is that estate planning, and in particular, the creation of trusts is only something that applies to ...
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Canarick & Canarick
Entity Choice – Do I Change to a C-Corporation?
One of the questions that keeps popping up from my business owner clients is… Should I change my entity to ...
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Canarick & Canarick
Trump’s Tax Proposal (Part II) – Select Highlights
Earlier this year, we discussed the broad highlights of President Trump’s plan to reform the tax system.  As discussed back ...
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Canarick & Canarick
Trump’s Tax Proposal
Now that summer is here and we are approaching the end of the first half of the year I think ...
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Canarick & Canarick
New Jersey Estate Tax Law Update
If you live in New Jersey you may have noticed that gasoline prices rose substantially this week.  This is the ...
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